Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, May 11, 2012

6 Month and counting

According to my calendar, I have now reach my 6 month of pregnancy. Just imagine how fast time fly. Seems like it was only yesterday I did my home pregnancy test. I am now half way through my pregnancy. Feelings you ask? Great! hahaha... Alhamdulillah, I am now morning sickness free and I can do all sorts of daily routine like house chores, window shopping, vacation and attending my convocation ceremony tomorrow. I feel happy as the kicking gets stronger and stronger every day. The baby now loves to kick especially when my husband is around. As if the baby could sense the presents of his/her father and that makes me even more happier. I am so blessed!

At this stage, I am experiencing all the discomfort of carrying a big belly...hahahhaaha... Not to complaint but just to share my experience. I have started to have back pains and cramps on my legs especially when it is cold at night. My sleeping hour become less as I find it quite difficult to sleep at night (difficult in finding the right sleeping position to be precises). My foot are starting to swell especially before bed time. I sweat a lot especially at night (nasib ade air cond).

All that is nothing when you got to see your baby each time you see your doctor. It truly is a miracle to see there is another human being in my body. I am happy to know that my baby is progressing well and healthy. I am expected to deliver on 31st of August 2012 (it maybe a week early or a week late from the expected date). I pray that my baby will continue to grow healthier and stronger each day. May Allah protect my baby from any misfortune and that he/she will be born as a healthy little baby. Mama and papa can't wait to meet you little one. ^_^


Unknown said...

aunty hihan also cant wait to hold you! :D

nisamir said...

hehhehee...chomel je! saba ye anty hihan..nnt kte klua kte jumpe :-p