A beautiful friend of mine awarded me the above awards. I'm so overwhelmed and so excited to received both of the awards..huhuh..I never thought that my blog is interesting to read (because only2 or 3 people read them in a month..IF i'm lucky..huhuh)..
1. Thank and link the person that gave you the award
I would like to say millions thanks to my beautiful friend Bert for awarded me the two awards; Interesting Blog & Beautiful Blog Award..thank u so much!
2. Pass these awards to 15 blogger that you've recently discoved.
Ok, this is tough!...let me see..
- shah razin
- sis natrah
- sis pika
- aref
- nadea
- jihani azhar
- yani & mason
- asma
- dinoozo
- eyn
- aida
- jen
- mira; and last but not least
- Mr Hilmi Hamzah a.k.a Che' Mi (miss u)
fuh! that wasn't so bad..ok next question..
3. Contact said blogs and let them know they've won the award
ok people! i've contact u..please copy & paste this awards to your page..
4. State seven things about your blog.
- created on 2007 (i guess..after i graduated from IIC...best memory ever!)
- I was inspired by my handsome English lecturer back at IIC, Mr Hilmi Hamzah for his colorful blog (the color means the story that he tells and share)..I love reading his blog and that's why I decided to write my own..
- I write because it makes me feel good and happy..
- This blog is classify as U or umum, so everyone from all over the world (????just hoping..) are invited to read my blog...
- It is not just about my every day life, it is more on how far we have grown from a little girl to a wonderful women..
- I LOVE to snap pictures! it's like eating candy and ice-cream for me, so this blog is also the place where I feature my art creation (art la sgt! hahaha...)
- I write because I love to write, so ENJOY!!
thanks darlinggggg! :))
u r most welcome dearryy...
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