Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, November 13, 2010

"Bad Habit"

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Well, this I have since I was in school, and it is hard to get rid of this habit. I always procrastinate all assignment given to me. I never done my homework on time, and I always end up copying other people work. It does not stop there, I will alwyas be the last person to submit my assignment during my degree. However, not to say that I am so good, but last minute work always gives me a good mark at the end of the semester. Maybe it's luck, or maybe the presure of doing last minute work (I sacrificies my sleep just to complete the assignment) makes me deliver the best in me.

But lately, I have different view. Procratinating does not do me any good.Now that I am continuing my studies, I found that I tend to do a lot of mistaktes and the work that I deliver is not as good as I did when I was in degree level. I wish and I pray to Allah that for next semester I will do my assignment as soon as I get them.

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