Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Thzee Goals"

08- Short term goals for this month and why

    Gambar Hiasan Semata-mata
  1. To lose at least 5kg of my weight because according to my BMI calculation, I am slightly overweight and that is so not cool! because I will look short if I gain few more weight! I want to stay fit and healthy (just like in school I have the ideal weight). Not skiny tho but just nice.
  2. To come out with a strong topics and references for my thesis. This will definitely be another turn around in my life, and this is my first time doing it in group. It will be a challenge because we each have different views and ideas on what to do, but I pray that Allah help us all the way.
Gambar Hiasan Semata-mata

P/S: I've been doing the wrong exercise since the beggining, no wonder my tights is getting big!

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